Vth National Congress on REGENERATIVE MEDICINE 23-25 November 2019 | Moscow | ONLINE


Payment for the services you have chosen and ordered can be made in the following ways (all payments are accepted in rubles):

If your organization needs to sign a contract for services, you should send a letter to the Technical Support at the e-mail address  with the details of your organization for the preparation of the contract.

- By bank transfer (for legal entities):
Please, enter data of your organization in Section “Payment” in your Personal Account. After you enter all the information, you will be able to view and print an invoice that can be paid by bank transfer.
The original documents (contract, invoice and acceptance certificate) will be issued and provided to you at the registration desk during the Congress. 
Please, note that our company is working on a simplified system of taxation, and VAT- invoice shall not be issued.
To obtain the documents we kindly ask you to have a power of attorney authorizing you to sign and receive accounting documents, issued for your name. The power of attorney should be sealed and signed by the head of your organization.

- By bank transfer (for individuals):
Please, choose Payment by bank transfer in your Personal Account and fill in the details. Then you will be able to view and print an invoice that can be paid by bank transfer. 
At the registration desk during the Congress, you will receive a confirmation and specification of the services that were provided to you. Your check received in the bank, and breakdown of the expenditures are the basis for reimbursement from the accounting department of your organization. 
After the payment procedure is completed, we kindly ask you to send a copy of the receipt to the Technical Support of the Congress by e-mail

- Online payment:
By clicking on "Online payment", you will be redirected to the payment system site using a secure SSL-connection. Further, following the instructions, you can make payment for the services you have chosen by your bank card.

Please do not hesitate to contact the Technical Support of the Congress if you have any questions or need further information regarding payments. 
tel: +7 (499) 390-34-38, +7 (926) 848-23-58
fax: +7 (499) 137-34-79 

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